Thursday, February 12, 2009

Capone's has a secret...

So the other day, I took to the pub up the road from us, with a friend of mine, for a bit of food/drinks/conversation.

I made a startling discovery:

They have Hazelnut Brown Nectar on TAP.

It's been under my nose this whole time! I have been a mere few blocks away from this great discovery. My FAVORITE beer, on tap. This is unreal. Is this happening? After all, this is north Idaho.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Son of a bitch!! This is wonderful. I am going to visit often. I'm considering becoming a barstool romantic.

I do wish you could still smoke in bars.

I do and I don't.

I do.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That's really amazing. Warms my heart to hear of such profoundly good providence.